(aka Justin)
This web page contains the preliminary software requirement specifications for that project,
and some additional (technical) information.
A demo version of the application is already available at
https://justin.ugent.be/justin. Please contact the author
if you want a registration invite.
Recent changes
- December 16 - registration procedure. Rewrite of other pages to
better conform to the actual application as it is being implemented.
- December 9 - mockups of the landing page, depending on status.
- Less recent changes
- High priority: the interface for the user: authentication, registration, data entry
- Medium priority: data retrieval by authorised users
- Lower priority: compilation of question forms (could be done offline for the first year), assignment of roles, special cases
- Important note For 2025 only the THC questionnaire will be implemented,
accommodation preferences will be gathered by the host (South Korea).