Events / categories ===Google forms. See also:

An international workshop for which forms need to be filled out by the participants will further be called an event. Currently only one event can be active at a time, although it should not be too hard to extend the system to allow for multiple events.

Users need to indicate explicitly whether they will attend an event (workshop) or not. This can even be done at an early stage, i.e., before the forms are available (see ‘event status’ below).

An event has an internal identifier (e.g., 2025) which is used to refer to it in question forms (e.g., to provide default answers). Users are presented with forms/information about the latest event only. Although a history of earlier events is kept in the system, only a small number of users have access to that information.


An event has a number of associated categories, which each determine a set of questions (a form). Users can subscribe to zero or more categories, and only need to answer the questionnaires for the categories they are subscribed to. Although again the system can easily be extended for additional cases, currently only two categories are implemented:

In 2025 only the category thc will be provided.

Subscribing to a category serves a dual purpose

In the user interface the latter information will be used to determine which forms need to be filled in, asking the user to tick boxes with text like the following:

Regular participants should check both boxes, accompanying persons only the first one. A local participant that does not need accommodation but that will join the task editing process should only check the second box.

Local participants from the organising host, that are not participants in the strict sense, but help with the organisation, need not necessarily register with the system. But then the host must make sure that they are included in the accommodation planning.

Access privileges to data entered by the users in the different forms is restricted to a specific category. Some users will have ‘view data’-privilege only for category thc, others only for catgeory host.

Event status

The status of an event can be one of the following:

See also