Conference center registration form

Application for participation in the 21st Bebras International Task Workshop - some week in May 2025, In South Korea

Hotel reservation and accommodation form for onsite participants, guests and accompanying persons.

* Denotes a mandatory question

Question showcase

The remainder of the 'questions' on this form are simply here to showcase the additional question types which did not occur on the previous pages. We already had multiple choice (radio), text, text area and date.

Multiple choice (radio) with 'other'
Multiple choice (dropdown)

Specify your T-shirt size

Multiple choice (buttons)

Only for very short answers. Not sure whether we shall keep this. (Does not exist in Google forms.)

Intermediate title

Allows some extra explanation to be added before a set of questions, without starting a new page.

Not sure whether we shall keep this...

Checkboxes with 'other'

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